2022 National Meeting

PURCO SA Member institutions only


08h30 Registration and Tea on arrival
10h00 Welcome and formalities
10h20 CEO's report
  • Company report
  • Finance
  • PURCO SA Consultancy
  • Legal / Procurement tender strategy
  • PURQ
11h00 Social media
11h15 PURCO SA Feedback Session – Universities & TVETs
12h00 Framework Agreements/Transversal Contracts 
12h30 LUNCH
13h30 ESD / SCM Training / Quality
14h00 Supplier session
14h30 Member Session 
15h00 General and Closure
  Free time, bar drinks, check-in etc.
17h00 Bus leaves for Annual Dinner at 17h15
Meet at main entrance of Sandton Convention Centre.
  Sunset drinks over Sandton
18h00 Annual Dinner
22h00 Dinner finishes at approximately 21h30/22h00.
Buses will bring delegates back to their hotels (Garden Court and Sandton Sun)

2022 Conference Day 1

08h00 Registration and welcoming refreshments in Exhibition Hall
10h00 Conference starts in the Plenary Hall

Selvan Govender: CEO, PURCO SA


Vice Chancellor's Address
Professor Peter Mbati, Vice Chancellor Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
Represented by Eminos Manyawi​, Chief Financial Officer


Beyond the HEllscape
Higher Education from 2018 to 2022 and beyond

Dr Linda Meyer, Director: Operations and Sector Support, Universities South Africa
In 2018 The Vice Chancellor the University of the Free State, Prof. Petersen, opened the annual PURCO SA Conference with a presentation titled 'Higher Education Challenges and Perspectives'. Since then the landscape (HEllscape) of higher education has experienced tremendous challenges and undergone enormous transformation both locally and internationally. In this session Dr Meyer maps the changes and discusses the challenges and opportunities for HE, and how the way forward demands bold efforts and a strong focus on collaboration and partnerships.  


The Classroom of the Future
​The importance of utilising all technology advances at our disposal to advance all sectors of education

Simbo Ntshinka, Managing Director, Itec Tiyende
This thought leadership address contemplates how the Classroom of the Future is materialising today. The evolution of education in a post-pandemic world has emphasised the critical nature of t digital enablement and transformation - in this session Simbo Ntshinka will discuss a two pillar approach to transforming higher education utilising unified communications and smart classrooms. The session will include a virtual discussion with Dr Stanley Mpofu, Chief Information Officer at the University of the Witwatersrand. 

  Track 1:
Smarter Institutions & Facilities

Boardroom 1/2/3
Track 2:
Crisis Management

Plenary Room
Track 3:
Health and Wellness

Boardroom 6/7
Track 4:

Foyer mezzanine (upstairs)

Student housing: managing demand, quality and student activism
Stanley Netshiya, CEO: NPS Management Solutions
Housing policy changes will improve the quality and provision of accredited accommodation, while creating new challenges for institutions. This session examines the changes and provides guidance for Housing Directors.

Crisis management lessons and takeouts for the future

Understanding Personality Profiles to enhance business relationships
Traci Kretzschmar, Corporate Wellness Psychologist
Understanding your own personality type and those of the people around you will help you engage more effectively with colleagues, teams and business partners, especially when working remotely. 

Hardy Maritz: Director Group Finance, University of Cape Town
Robin Golding, Director Procurement and Payment Services, University of Cape Town
Pay & Connect is a student-centric cashless mobile payment solution for universities around the world. The system was initially launched to digitise residences’ paper lunch vouchers, but was quickly extended to emergency vouchers (for use during protests), food security vouchers for students in need, and to regulate dining hall entries. 


Integrated security:
securing smarter campuses

Justin Kettle, CEO Gray Guardians
Smart campuses use integrated solutions to manage their physical, digital and technical security risk. The session uses case studies to help you assess your institution's level of maturity and understand security design engineering to identify and integrate technological and physical security measures into the design of your infrastructure.

Contracting for a Crisis
Shobhna Morar, Legal Adviser, The University of The Witwatersrand
Jason Roberts: Procurement Contracts and Governance Manager, The University of The Witwatersrand

Covid has permanently changed how force majeure and other supply chain contract terms are drafted. Learn how to build resilient supply chains through collaborative, proactive and legally sound contracts that work in a crisis and protect you against similar shocks in the future.

Working in a Hybrid World - Work and Home Balance
Traci Kretzschmar, Corporate Wellness Psychologist
How can you and your institution create an effective working environment for teams challenged by increasing work pressures and hybrid working situations?
We examine the business levers for balance - including employment contracts, business culture, setting boundaries, employee rights and obligations, and other key topics to keep your team healthy.

Cellphone-based Covid diagnoses
Terrence Wickham, CEO Audiopass Africa
AudioPass Africa (Pty) Ltd, in association with NWU is commercialising a ground-breaking mobile app tool that is capable of making a virtually instantaneous clinical diagnoses of Covid-19 with an exceptional degree of accuracy by using AI and machine learning algorithms to analyse the sound of a user's forced cough vocalisation via their smartphone. Currently undergoing FDA approval, it is a cheaper, faster, more effective alternative to PCR tests, and is able to integrate with 3rd party access control and other technology systems. In due course this technology will be applied to conveniently and accurately diagnose other lung diseases.

14h40 eBuses - the future of student transport
Corné van Diemen, Zutari
Zutari are engaged in a UCT study to evaluate the viability of electric vehicles for student transport. In this session Corné shares their human-centric EV strategy, implementation considerations, take-outs and recommendations.  Transport, finance and procurement decision-makers will derive valuable insights into cost effective ways renewable transport strategies.

Practical Crisis Management
Facilitated by Zarina Hassim, Head of Supply Chain, ICT Manager, The University of The Witwatersrand
What are SCM professionals doing to manage and protect your supply chains in times of panic and crisis? This interactive discussion invites attendees to share their experiences and strategies for managing the impact of local and international crises, and to examine what works and what doesn't.

Health and Wellness for the Professional: Less stuff - more happiness
Dr Robyn Holgate, Chief Medical Officer ER24
In a world of intense pressure and burnout this session is all about you - providing you with tools to achieve a more balanced, healthy life. We discuss mental health, coping strategies, mindfulness, diet, exercise - and how technology can be used to support students and employees.

Protecting your Institution's Intellectual Property



Keynote address
Robots in the Classroom
Dr Divya Singh: Chief Academic Officer Stadio Holdings
The COVID pandemic accelerated digital learning and online teaching, and encouraged discussions on machine learning and artificial intelligence in Higher Education. Together with budgetary pressures and demands for individualised teaching this has led to a search for more adaptive technological solutions and new digital platforms. Already institutions are testing chatbots as virtual tutors, using humanoid robots to provide student support and even pilot studies of robots as teachers. But they have also led to disturbing questions such as 'should we continue to fund killer robots within academic institutions'. This fascinating presentation will make you think deeply about a future that is equally thrilling and terrifying.

16h25 Closing remarks

Visit the Exhibition Hall

19h00 - 23h00

Dinner Function at Hard Rock Cafe
Make your own way to the restaurant.

Programme is subject to change 

2022 Conference Day 2

07h30 Welcoming tea in the Exhibition Halls
08h30 Conference starts in the Plenary Hall

Michael Abrahamson, Mentalist
This powerful keynote showcases how powerful the mind can be. Michael will read your mind and deliver unbelievable displays of memory and maths skills that border on magic. Look  forward to an interactive and highly-engaging 'Show' that will inspire and mesmerise you with a mix of entertaining moments and unforgettable demonstrations.


Building a sustainable Higher Education sector: How ESG changes the game
Dr Thelma Louw, Head: Sustainability, Monitoring & Evaluation, UNISA
Universities have traditionally regarded financial sustainability as their core focus to ensure their continued existence. This singular view of sustainability started changing around 2013, to encompass the recognition that higher education's core business is the advancement of science and improving the employability of their students - and thereby contributing to poverty eradication and the advancement of the national development goals. This presentation will share the current Environmental, Social, and Governance landscape at universities, and what institutions are doing to improve collaboration. The session will also share specific institutions’ journeys to underline the value of sharing our experiences.


Building resilient infrastructure with Cloud Strategies & SAAS
AX Xenios: Cloud Solutions Architect, Mustek
With the constant evolution of Cloud and the creep of Digital Real Estate, companies are being forced to consider hybrid On-Premises – Cloud Network infrastructures that rely on Software as a Service vendors to quickly deploy usable solutions. This thought leadership session will provide insights into key considerations for building resilient, high availability, secure and compliant business infrastructure.


Reimagining the future of higher education through digital transformation
Ziaad Suleman, Group Chief Commercial Officer at EOH
COVID-19 and other disruptions have highlighted the need for digital transformation in the tertiary education sector. While some institutions have been quick to innovate and deliver a quality learning experience, the pace of change needs to accelerate across the sector to meet the rapidly growing and urgent demand for inclusive, affordable higher education. In his presentation, Ziaad Suleman, Group Chief Commercial Officer at EOH, makes the case for digital transformation in the tertiary education sector, takes a closer look at the challenges that need to be addressed and finally, presents a picture of what success looks like and how to get there.

11h40 LUNCH AND EXHIBITION  (lunch served at 12h00)
  Track 1:
Digital and Business Transformation

Boardroom 1/2/3
Track 2:
Smarter Institutions & Facilities

Boardroom 6/7
Track 3:

Foyer mezzanine (upstairs)

Education Technology and Innovation
Prof Thea de Wet, Senior Director: University of Johannesburg
Prof de Wet discusses the latest trends and practices in education technology including eResources, hybrid learning, and learning management systems.  Actively involved in current technology renewal and implementation projects at UJ, she offers crucial insights for the key decision-makers who have to map their own institutional journeys.

Renewable Energy 101: Insights for Moving Your Campus to Clean Energy
Michael Cassidy: Renewal Energy Head, Mustek
 In a climate of uncertain power supply and escalating energy costs, on-campus solar and other renewable energy systems hold significant advantages for colleges and universities.  This session will share key insights and lessons to help you start the journey, and maximise the benefits.    

Creating world leading African digital entrepreneurs
Prof. Barry Dwolatzky: Director of Innovation Strategy, University of the Witwatersrand
Founded by Prof Dwolatzky in 2017, Tshimologong is a successful digital innovation incubation and acceleration  programme that aims to commercialise the research of Wits University students. In this session Prof Dwolatzky will share success stories, insights and practical lessons derived from 5 years of creating world leading African digital entrepreneurs.


Smart classrooms
Jakobi Yzelle: Head Enterprise and education Division, Questek AV
The ambitious Smart Classroom project at the University of the Witwatersrand has created advanced learning spaces that support the needs of lecturers and students to engage actively in learning interactions.

In this session Jakobi shares the project rationale, key design decisions, as well as implementation challenges and lessons.

ICT Infrastructure:  Rip and Replace
Ignatius Makgoka: ICT Director Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
When an independent Infrastructure Audit highlighted severely outdated ICT infrastructure as a key obstacle and threat for the institution, Sefako Makgatho University was forced to implement a comprehensive 'rip and replace' strategy to bring the university's ICT infrastructure into the 21st Century. This case study has invaluable lessons for institutions facing similar technology challenges.

The Invigilator
Jurie Wessels. Tax lecturer at the University of Johannesburg will showcase The Invigilator, UJ's online proctoring solution; is a mobile-centric, easy-to-use, data-conscious, robust and affordable solution for digital invigilation. The  product is commercially available.


Immersive and Extended Reality Technologies - from Novelty to Practicality
Koos de Beer, Extended Reality consultant
In this session Koos will help you get to grips with immersive, extended reality technologies and how you can apply them in your tertiary and business environments. While augmented and virtual reality is often treated as a novelty, it has real, practical applications that can deliver efficiencies and cost savings if approached correctly.

Case study: Unified Communications
Nhlanhla Madide, Senior Manager ICT, University of the Witwatersrand, with John Bowen, TechnoChange Solutions
This session examines the rationale, objectives and outcomes of the recent Unified Communications project at Wits, as well as the key factors that underpinned its success. Nhlanhla and John will share challenges they had to overcome and how the University has benefited from the unified solutions.  ICT, Facilities and Procurement attendees will benefit from valuable insights into the management of this complex, cross functional project.

uLink - student portal
Hemali Joshi, Director Centre for Academic Technologies at University of Johannesburg will demonstrate uLink, the UJ-developed single sign-on student portal.


Technology Innovation Demo's in the Exhibition Hall

16h25 Innovations Prize Announcement -  cash prize for a winning delegate  (NB this is a qualification requirement for the Teambuilding Competition)
16h35 Conference closes for the day
  Visit the Exhibition Halls
18h30 Pre dinner drinks in Foyer (Sandton Convention Centre Level 2)
19h00 Gala Dinner in Ball Room

Programme is subject to change


2022 Conference Day 3

08h45 MC opens Conference in the Plenary 

Keynote Address
The Nexus between Business, Technology and Transformation
Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala, Vice Chancellor, University of Johannesburg
In this keynote address Professor Marwala will invite delegates to engage with the opportunities that exist at the nexus of their business responsibilities, technology and transformation. Through his passion and deep understanding of 4IR drivers such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science, Prof Marwala will show how Higher Education professionals can connect with technology and each other to promote institutional, sectoral and economic transformation.


Technology and security trends in South Africa
Anton Bothma, Executive Commercial Division, Fidelity Group
How advances in security technology are changing the nature of the security industry's response to physical, guarding and technical needs.

  • Integration of all security technology into centralised platforms.
  • Visual verification in the security industry
  • Maintenance / assets in the cloud

Cybersecurity Governance – it is everybody’s responsibility
Prof Basie von Solms, Research Professor in Cyber Security in the Centre for Cyber Security. University of Johannesburg
This session's ultimate objective is to help end users become cyber-risk aware in order to be cybercrime fighters (a ‘Human Firewall’) that help protect them and their enterprises on the front line of cyber crime. In simple terms Cybersecurity Governance is the oversight of all activities required to ensure an institution’s operations in Cyberspace are secure, safe, resilient and trustworthy. While ultimate responsibility resides at the top of organisations with their Board or Council, effective implementation is determined by the actions of users at all levels throughout the enterprise. The presentation will focus on these ‘lower’ levels of Cybersecurity Governance, and will include aspects such as :

  • Cybercrime, Cyber risks and the attack methods and techniques of cybercriminals,
  • Ransomware attacks with examples (Transnet, TransUnion etc),
  • Phishing attacks, Social Engineering attacks and more.

The session will also cover legal aspects to be aware of such as the POPI and Cybercrime Acts.


Blockchain in Education
Merryl Ford, Digital Transformation Specialist, Centre for Robotics & Future Production, CSIR 
Facilitator: SA National Blockchain Alliance (SANBA)


Closing Keynote Address
The Future of Collaborative Procurement with Intelligent Technology
Prof Johan Steyn, Institute of IT Professionals South Africa
Technological advancements will have a significant impact on procurement management, with AI changing how tasks are autonomously delivered and controlled. AI is on its way to becoming more than just a tool for automating repetitive tasks. In the near future, there will be a significant increase in projects to implement AI-based platforms. The procurement community and their colleagues in cross-functional in departments like ICT, Finance and Facilities will play a vital role, but they also need to focus on their skills in this field. AI may not replace humans, but it may replace managers who are not skilled in this technology.

14h25 Closing remarks
Eschéll Boshoff, Chair: PURCO SA Central Region Chair 
14h30 Conference closes