PURCON has secured two 65 seater shuttle buses for the Casual Dinner and Gala Dinner from HG Travel Services.
Buses to the Casual Dinner and the Gala Dinner Dinners will travel to and from the dinner venues, travelling between the Conference Centre past the preferred Conference Hotels.

Bus for Gala Dinner: 19 September 2024

We have arranged one complimentary bus to do two loops from the preferred hotels to the CTICC this evening.

We recommend using your own transport if available, leaving the complimentary bus for delegates who don’t have transport.
Parking vouchers will be provided

From Hotels to CTICC - Loop One
One 65 seater bus will arrive at each hotel at the following approximate times:

Anew Hotel 17h30
Stay easy 17h40
Cape Sun 17h50
Southern Sun Waterfront 18h00
Cullinan 18h10
Arrive CTICC 18h20

From Hotels to CTICC - Loop Two
One 65 seater bus will arrive at each hotel at the following approximate times:

Anew Hotel 18h30
Stay easy 18h40
Cape Sun 18h50
Southern Sun Waterfront 19h00
Cullinan 19h10
Arrive CTICC 19h20


From CTICC to hotels 
One 65 seater bus will leave from CTICC Entrance 7 at the following approximate times:

  • 23h00
  • 24h00


Casual Dinner: Wednesday 18 September

See Route and schedule below.

  • To the Casual Dinner
  • First bus leaves front of CTICC Building 2 at approximately 17h40.
  • Second bus leaves front of CTICC Building 2 at approximately 17h55.
  • First From Cullinan Hotel past preferred hotels to Grand Africa Cafe and Beach
  • Leaving the Casual Dinner
  • First bus leaves at approximately 22h00.
  • First bus leaves at approximately  midnight.
  • Bus route and schedule to the Casual Dinner
  • This is the bus route and estimated times for two 65 seater buses running from the Cullinan Hotel, past Southern Sun Waterfront,  then Cape Sun, then Stay Easy City Bowl, then Anew Hotel Greenpoint, and then the Grand Africa Cafe.
  • First bus leaves from front of CTICC Building at approximately 17h40, and second bus leaves 15 minutes later.