The TEAM2023 Theme

In today's fast-paced business environment, procurement must transform to stay relevant. Transformation is not only about implementing new technologies, but also about changing processes and behaviours to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase value.

Evolve: Procurement must evolve to keep pace with changing market conditions, customer expectations, and emerging technologies. This requires continuous learning, innovation, and agility. Procurement professionals need to keep an open mind and embrace new ideas and approaches.

Adapt: Procurement must adapt to changing business needs, which requires a deep understanding of the organisation's strategic objectives, market trends, and supplier capabilities. Procurement professionals need to be flexible and able to adjust their strategies and tactics as needed.

Monetise speaks to the importance of recognising and expressing the monetary value of procurement activities such as buying more effectively, reducing costs, deriving savings, and achieving efficiencies. It encompasses our efforts to create 3rd stream income to bolster higher education funding. Monetisation also acknowledges the foundational purpose of PURCO SA to derive real financial savings and efficiencies by maximising collaboration within institutions, between Members, and with suppliers. This strategic purpose of PURCO SA leverages an engaged HE community for the betterment of higher education, the advancement of our individual constituents; and the ultimate benefit of our student bodies. 


Date and Venue
Date: 17-20 September 2024 
(Pre-conference Annual Member Meeting on 17 September)
Venue: cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town.


Higher Education institutions:
65 universities, TVET colleges, and allied institutions.


60+ exhibitors

Typical higher education delegates:
Heads of Procurement, Heads of Finance, ICT Executives, Facilities Executives, Buyers, Commodity and Strategic Sourcing Managers, Finance staff, and more.